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Meeting Minutes

Community Council Meeting Minutes


Community Council Minutes

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1:30pm

Attending: Lory Peterson, Nic Shellabarger, Amy Berry, Lori Lay, Lynne Hamp, Justin Willie, Alicia Coats

  1. Welcome
    • Approval of Minutes- Lori Lay motioned to approve and Lynne Hamp seconded.
  2. Re-electing Members
    • The chair position is available
    • Lori Lay will be replaced as a teacher, Colette Erickson will be added to the ballot in the fall, please keep eyes and ears out for others interested in being part of the community council over summer. We will have the ballot at back to school night on August 20th.
  3. New Teacher Hires/Last Day Procedures
    • Kanesville has hired 3 new (to our school) teachers in grades 1st, 4th and 5th. We are excited to add them to the Kanesville family.
    • Last Day Procedures-since the class sizes are fluctuating, we will not be announcing which teacher the student has on the last day of school. They will be able to find out via the weber portal on August 6th.
  4. Final Budget- Mr. Willie. Our final budget is looking promising, covering many aide salaries and also paying $6,200 to have teachers attend the Solution Tree Conference in September.  We still have a few supplies and subs to pay for but looking at carrying over about $6,000.
  5. Elections will be in August
  6. Next Meeting: October 2018

Community Council Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2018    1:30-2:30 pm

Attending: Lori Lay, Lynne Hamp, Amy Berry, Colette Erickson, Justin Willie, Nic Shellabarger, Lory Peterson, Kenny Olsen and Alicia Coats

  1. Welcome-Alicia Coats
    • Approval of Minutes: Justin approved, second by Lynne Hamp
  2. Jean Hansen- DIBEL’s
    • Jean explained how DIBEL’s work, how they are managed in Kanesville and how each student is tested.
    • Nic requested that students are encouraged to read without speed but with more intensive thinking.
  1. 6th Grade Dance-Lori Lay
    • Kanesville’s 6th Grade was attacked by the media. Horrible emails and messages came into the school with a misunderstanding of what was going on.
    • We have an amazing school and a wonderful support of the teachers. Everything was handled correctly and the students had a great time.
  1. Mr. Willie- Trustland Review
    • 2018-19 Plan will need to be approved digitally.
    • Our school plan is effective and had benefited our school using most of the allocated funds for aides in the classrooms.
    • We are projecting $74,000 for next year’s plan
    • Due: March 9, 2018

Dismissed at 2:30

Next Meeting: April 25, 2018 @1:30pm

Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2018    1:30-2:30 pm

Attending: Lori Lay, Lynne Hamp, Amy Berry, Colette Erickson, Justin Willie, Nic Shellabarger, Lory Peterson, Kenny Olsen and Alicia Coats

  1. Welcome-Alicia Coats
    • Approval of Minutes: Justin approved, second by Lynne Hamp
  2. Lorraine Vanderwood-Computers
    • Lorraine is the computer teacher at Kanesville Elementary. She taught the board how to sign into a chromebook and logged everyone into typing club. Chromebooks and Chromeboxes are the majority of Kanesville computers. Trustland funds purchased the online program “Typing Club” for students 3-6 to learn to type. She explained benefits helping the students on standardized tests and on classroom assignments. Stundent’s typing skills have improved from last year. She enjoys that it is self-paced and engaging. It includes games and videos.  
  3. PRIDE Tickets-Lori Lay and Lynne Hamp
    • Kanesville’s goal and the goal to benefit students with positive reinforcement is always 4:1. Kanesville has implemented PRIDE tickets to reward the students around Kanesville that are doing awesome jobs. It also give the recess and lunch aides power to be able to reward the students that are following directions. One example was a 1st grade student that was walking by construction workers that were painting Kanesville’s walls and she overly thanked them and told them how they were doing the most wonderful job and she was so thankful for them. Great things happen and Kanesville and the school wants to make sure the students are reinforced for being amazing.
  4. Willie- Trustland Review
    • 2017-18 Trustland Plan
      1. Trustland Plan is helping our school. Data has all gone down. Trustland pays for an aide for reading fluency and interventions. Supplying aides to read with students is in our school opinion the more beneficial to the students.
    • Justin mentioned the trial of vertical PLC’s and working together with all grades
    • Solution Tree is available for next year in October 2018. Teachers are interested in going and the first one has benefited the school in lots of ways. Mr. Willie explained benefits of teacher PLC’s. The fourth rotation was discussed that we don’t want it to be a waste of time for the students. Nic was concerned that it needed more structure. Collette was interested in bringing a retired teacher to teach music and arts. Bev Tayler Sorensen is a sponsorship through Weber State. Kanesville would still like more information and is unable to create a plan on how to implement this in our school.

Community Council Minutes

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 1:30pm

Attending: Alicia Coats, Justin Willie, Lori Lay, Lynne Hamp, Tom Ruiz, Christi Warr & Kenny Olsen

  • Welcome
  • Justin announced that the 2017-18 Budget Plan was approved.  He showed an update at the current expenses for this year’s plan.  So far we have used $45,210.27 without one day for subs and without summer pay for aides.  We are allowed to carry over about $7000 of our budgeted total.
  • We would like to thank the board for a great community council year.  We are sad to be losing some of the members of our board to the current boundary change. 
  • Next year during Back to School Night we will have elections for new members and renewing current members.  We would like the board be aware of any new board members that would be interested in Community Council.
  • Meeting adjourned at 1:45pm
  • Next Meeting: August, planning before Back to School Night


Community Council Minutes

Thursday, March 9, 2017 3:30pm

Attending: Alicia Coats, Justin Willie, Lori Lay, Lynne Hamp, Tom Ruiz, Christi Warr & Kenny Olsen

  • Welcome
  • Meeting is being held a week early so that deadlines can be made.
  • Justin reviewed current 2016-17 plan.  He updated us on the purchase of new headphones to replace old ones in the labs and the Chromebook carts.  We also discussed the new typing program that we are going to purchase to have students practice typing on their own account.  They would be able to start and stop at their own time.  After spending for those couple of things that leaves us with about the 10% that we are allowed to have as carry over into next year.
  • Justin discussed the new 2017-18 Plan.  As a council we agreed to keep most of the plan similar to what we have done in the past.  We all agreed that spending the money on people is one of the great assets of trustlands.  The one thing that we did want to change was that Goal #5 is going to be added as an action step into all of the Goals.  We also discussed that we are eliminating C4L due to the lack of interest by the teachers.  We also added some printing supplies, so many of the new programs are digital and teachers are in need of printing so that was added to the budget as an action item.
  • Alicia motioned to approve the new plan, it was 2nd by Lynne.  All were in favor with an email vote by Chris.
  • Justin explained that Kanesville was going to introduce a new discipline procedure in the common areas of the school.   It is called and Ooops Ticket.  The ticket can be filled out by a recess aide, or PLC aide to inform and keep track of issues students may or may not be having at school.
  • The estimated amount that is planned to be dispersed to Kanesville is $79,988.  We all discussed that it may go down just a bit due to the losing of students to Country View.  The amount of students we may or may not lose is unknown at this time.
  • Next Meeting: April 26, 2017 

Community Council Minutes

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:30pm

Attending: Alicia Coats, Justin Willie, Lori Lay, Tom Ruiz, Betsy Ray, Christi Warr, Chris Ruiz, Kenny Olsen, Patti Nielson  For VexiQ demonstration: Kristie Herzog & Jen Davis

  • Welcome-Introductions
  • Vex Demonstration-Jen Davis, Kristie Herzog explained to the council what the Vex Robotics program is doing in our school.  Vex meets at least once a week, students have planned and built robots that are used in competitions with other schools.  Right now Kanesville has 4 teams and would love to be able to grow.  On each team they are required to do a STEM project, similar to a science project based on the theme of Vex for the year.  3 students, James Bee, Kennedy Morris, and Emma Davis presented their teams STEM project.  During competition they are to work with other schools to get the highest points.  2 team, Dante Coats, Dominic Coats, Ethan Graham and Jack Doxey showed how teams work together to get the greatest points.  Jack Doxey showed the engineering notebook.  Evan Winn, Josh Osterhought and Kyler Morris showed how teams have to build a program to have their robot move autonomously (by itself). The demonstration was very informative and showed some great things happening at Kanesville.
  • Review Current Budget-
    • Justin reviewed where our current budget is.  He also stated that the Professional Development-Professional Learning Community at Work Institute Conference…has been approved by the district and booked.  Last meeting council members were concerned about how we would measure this goal.  Since then Justin has talked to Paula Plant (the advisor of Trustland Funds) and she advised the conference would just be an action step to help our school make our goals and helped create the amendment.
    • Kenny voiced that he was concerned about the news of the Land Swap impacting our budget this upcoming year.
    • Justin gave the anticipated funds for the upcoming year, taking into account there will be a boundary change and school size will differ slightly.  He stated the amount the district is anticipating is $79,988. 
    • Justin also went on to review our goals as a council
      • Goal #1 was that we increase grades 3-6 in SAGE at least 1% and Kanesville surpassed that goal by raising it 3.25% in Language Arts.  In addition to raising it 5% overall with Science, Math and ELA included.
      • Goal #2, Phonemic Segmentation, Patti Nielson was there to explain how that is tested with DIBELS, breaking down the sounds of words.  All most all of Phonemic Segmentation is done before 1st grade, as a council we have decided to change the wording in our next Goals to include Oral Reading Fluency which is closer to what 1st and 2nd graders are being tested on.
      • Goal #3 is 80% of 1st and 2nd graders will be proficient in Oral Reading Fluency (WPM), Patti updated that as of right now we are at 22% for 1st grade and 26% for 2nd grade that have not made those goals.  She believes we are right on track and by the end of the year we should have well above our goals.
      • Goal #4 Hire a computer teacher-We have and she has done wonderful
      • Goal #5 C4L Survey, Alicia updated Christi that the C4L was a survey to help learn about our students learning environment.  Lori explained that in her class she uses it to notice when subjects are more difficult and if she needs to make sure students are understanding the topic. It was discussed that next year we will possibly not fund that survey and allow the teachers to create their own type of survey.  Kenny and Chris were concerned about the algorithms that are being used for that survey that we would not be able to recreate.   The council discussed if we would we have to create a survey that it would be much too difficult.  It was explained that the teachers would be able to create their own and the council would not be responsible to come up with that information.  Also for this current year Justin is planning to send out the survey to the parents.  The council is hoping to get positive feedback.
      • Justin also discussed that for next year’s plan we will be able to simplify our plan and create action steps to utilize our plans effectiveness.  In addition to simplifying the council would also like to condense the phrasing of hiring substitutes for Child Study team to be cove the cost to also include Professional Development.
  • Kanesville’s Amazing Anonymous Donation
    • Benefiting the council in not having to purchase as much technology Kanesville has been the recipient of an anonymous donation of 100 iPads, 30 for 1st, 2nd and Kindergarten and 10 for EL services.  As well as that amazing donation of ipads Kanesville has also been given 30 new projectors for Smartboards. This donation is unbelievable and the council was so grateful for such a huge contribution to Kanesville.
  • Next Meeting: March 15, 2017 discussing planning, updating on scores.
    • April 26, 2017

Dismissed at 2:30

Next Meeting February 28th, 2018 @1:30pm