Policies & Procedures

DMD/Cell Phone/Smartwatch Policy

Definition of Digital Media Devices: DMD’s include but are not limited to cell phones, smartwatches, pagers, computers, cameras, audio recorders, video games, and other electronic or battery powered devices/toys. 

Use of Digital Media Devices: The use of any DMDs by students during the school day is prohibited. DMDs can cause a disruption of the educational process, put students at risk of violating personal privacy, and cannot be adequately monitored by the school for inappropriate content. When at school, there is risk that these devices may be broken, lost, or stolen, therefore students are discouraged from bringing them to school. If an extenuating circumstance requires that the device be brought to school it must be turned off and stored in backpacks, book bags or other areas designated by the teacher. They should not be seen or heard. Those who wish to send a DMD with their student on a regular basis need to fill out a DMD/Cell Phone/Smartwatch Agreement and turn into their classroom teacher. 

Exceptions: This policy does not apply to the sanctioned use of digital media devices by students under the direct supervision of a teacher for educational purposes, emergency, and special situations as approved by the school administration.  

Consequences for Violation of Policy: Violation of this policy shall result in the confiscation of the digital media device. 

First Offense: DMD is confiscated from the student and is kept by the teacher until the end of the school day at which time the student may retrieve the device. Parents/guardians are notified. 

Second Offense: DMD is confiscated from the student and is kept in the office, the parent is contacted, and a parent/guardian will need to retrieve the DMD from the office. 

Third Offense: DMD is not allowed at school for the remainder of the school year unless an individualized DMD contract/plan is implemented. Insubordination will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension from school. 

Note: Misuse of digital media devices is additionally addressed in Policy 8350 Digital Media Devices and Policy 5200 Student Discipline Policy (Including Safe School Policy).  

Other Provisions: 

*Students bring Digital Media Devices on school property or to school activities at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices of any kind.

*The office phone is available for students to contact parents in case of a school issue or emergency. Parents are always welcome to call the school to get messages to their child.

Student DMD: Cell Phone:Smartwatch Agreement