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November 16th, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Kanesville Elementary School Community Council Minutes

November 16th, 2021


Chair: Mandie Worton - Parent

Vice Chair: Georgene Brinkerhoff - Parent

Secretary: TaLonnie Sullivan - Teacher

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome -  Mandie Worton

2. Minutes Approval - Mandie Worton

Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.  Minutes from the 20-21 meeting cannot be found.  Will check with Kristi Connell to see if she has a copy from last year.

Motion made by Karly Lieshman and seconded by Mandi

3. Review of 2020-2021 Plan Data - Mr. Adams

No data available for the panorama program for the 20-21 school year.  Goals were reviewed from 20-21 school year trustland forms.

Mr. Adams would like to revise the goals in the coming year to be based on growth not RISE scores.  

Goals 1 and 2 from trustland were not met however there was a 47% increase.

Council looked at and reviewed RISE data from 2014-2021.  There was no data in 2020 due to the pandemic.  Severe drops were noted in both ELA and Math scores in all grades.  

Dibels/Acadiance data from 20-21 was reviewed

-K = 74% growth

-1st = 79% growth

-2nd = 53% growth

-3rd = 84% growth

4. Notice of Meeting Routine - Mr. Adams

Agenda and Minutes will be finalized 1 week prior to the next meeting

Mr. Adams will send a text reminder the night before the next meeting.

5. Plan Next Agenda - Mr. Adams

Review Current plan

Begin planning for next year goals

Mr. Adams and Mandi will work on getting firm steps

6. Miscellaneous - Council Members 

Motion to adjourn by TaLonnie seconded by Fanny

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 in Conference Room