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February 22nd, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Kanesville Elementary School Community Council Agenda

February 22nd, 2022


Chair: Mandie Worton - Parent

Vice Chair: Georgene Brinkerhoff - Parent

Secretary: TaLonnie Sullivan - Teacher

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome -  Georgene Brinkerhoff

2. Minutes Approval - Georgene Brinkerhoff

TaLonnie will get them typed up and sent out by email this week.  

3. Action Steps for Upcoming Plan

-Big need for Trustland money is for para’s  and intervention specialists. This allows for interventions, reading aids, and PLC teachers.

-Two goals are based on RISE scores going up 2%

-One goal is acadiance based for grades k-2

-Draft steps were looked at and agreed with. (See Trustland Draft of goals and steps for specifics) General steps listed below - these steps are similar for all goals.  

a. Money for subs for workshops

b. Paraprofessionals/ PLC teachers

c. Panorama data will be used in tandem in order to teach the whole child.   

-Amounts of money that are planned can fluctuate throughout the year.  

-Mr. Adams proposed to use extra funds to replace/upgrade panels in the classrooms.  

a. Draft was moved to approve by Franny and seconded by Kristie Herzog

4. Plan Next Agenda - Mr. Adams

-Continue working on the plan and final approval

-Mr. Adams will get the final numbers to get a better idea of the amounts to spend.  

-Aid salaries go up but so does the enrollment for funding.  

5. Miscellaneous - Council Members 

-Question about handwriting - has it gone down. Discussed the effects of screens and the need for balance.  

-Discussed possibility of adding and “arts” type PLC or rotations

Next meeting will be on March 15th, 2022 at 3:30pm in Conference Room