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January 11th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Kanesville Elementary School Community Council Minutes

January 11th, 2022


Chair: Mandie Worton - Parent

Vice Chair: Georgene Brinkerhoff - Parent

Secretary: TaLonnie Sullivan - Teacher

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome -  Georgene Brinkerhoff

2. Minutes Approval - Georgene Brinkerhoff

Minutes for last meeting approved by Curtis and seconded by Kristie Herzog.

3. Date Change Proposed for Next meeting

Meeting changed from Feb 15 to Feb 22 due to a principal conference the week of the 15th.

4. Review of Current Plan - Mr. Adams

-Currently in MOY assessment window

5. Goals for next year’s plan - Mr. Adams

Goal #1: Increase of 2% on number of students achieving proficiency in grades 3-6 on State administered 2023 end-of-level Language Arts testing (RISE, OR STATE TESTING).

-Most funds are used for PLC teachers and aids to assist in learning.  

-The Community Council agreed that funds are good the way they are used.  

Goal #2: Increase of 2% on number of students achieving proficiency in grades 3-6 on State administered 2023 end-of-level Math testing (RISE, OR STATE TESTING).

Goal #3: 65% of K-2 students will achieve typical or better growth as measured on the Pathways of Progress program or maintain benchmark levels of proficiency on their composite score on the end-of-year Acadience Reading Assessment.

6. Plan Next Agenda - Mr. Adams

-Continue working on the plan and action steps

-Attendance is a big issue

-The Pride team will work on this to see if an increase in motivation can be found.

-Discussed possible check in/check out plan

-Goals for reading and math need to include funding for aides to help with tier 2 teaching.  

-In next plan change working to growth instead of % of students increased.

-Progress will be measured through pathway of progress (dibles) 70% this could be adjusted based on current MOY data.

-Add a 4th goal to do with Panorama - for funding purposes only.  

-Possibly make is an action step not an actual goal.  

7. Miscellaneous - Council Members 

-Minutes/Agendas on Website Update

-For the next meeting have final percent on goal 3 and work on action steps.

-Approval for submission 

-Meeting adjourned by Franny seconded by Georgene

Next meeting will be on February, 2022 in Conference Room