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January 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Kanesville Elementary School Community Council Minutes

January 16th, 2024


Chair: Casey Chipp - Parent

Vice Chair: Anthony Weitzeil - Parent

Secretary: Mike Ivey- Teacher

Attendance: Casey Chipp, Monica Thoma, Megan Smith, Abby Byrum (virtual), Sarah Lyons (virtual), Kristi Herzog (teacher), Mike Ivey (teacher), Chance Adams (LEA)

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome -  Casey Chipp
  2. Minutes Approval - Casey Chipp

Motion to approve by Monica, second by Megan, all in favor.

  1. Review of Timeline - Casey Chipp
    1. January - Begin Plan (proposed goals)
    2. February - Discussed Action Steps and Expenditures 
    3. March - Approval of Final Plan
  2. Review of Due Dates - Casey Chipp
    1. Jan. 17 - Final Report 22-23 Opens, Due Feb. 9
    2. March 8 - Upcoming Plan Due to District
    3. March 12 - Plans Reviewed by District
    4. March 18 - Corrected Plan Due
    5. April 12 - Plans approved by the district board and sent to the state. 
  3. Review of Current Plan - Mr. Adams
  • Currently in MOY assessment window
    • Pulled all aides (except for SPED) to do all MOY assessments quickly
  • Budget Update
    • Sites not working; showing that we haven’t spent any money
  1. Goals for next year’s plan - Mr. Adams

Goal #1: By the end of 2024-2025 school year, 70% of K-6 students will achieve typical or better growth as measured on the Pathways of Progress program or maintain benchmark levels of proficiency on their composite score on the end-of-year Acadience Reading Assessment.

Goal #2: By the end of 2023-2024 school year, 65% of students in grades 4-6 will have an SGP (student growth percentile) of 40 or higher on the State Administered end-of-level Math Rise Assessment. 

Motion to approve by Monica; seconded by Chipp; all in favor.

  1. Plan Next Agenda - Mr. Adams
  • Continue working on the plan and action steps
  1. Reschedule next meeting due to conflict…February 12th?

Change of date approved by all

  1. Miscellaneous - Council Members 

Next meeting will be Monday February 12th , 2023 in Conference Room