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November 15th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Kanesville Elementary School Community Council Agenda

November 15th, 2022


Chair: Mandie Worton - Parent

Vice Chair: Franny Spangler - Parent

Secretary: Mike Ivey- Teacher

Attendance: Sarah Lyons, Abby Byrum, Anthony Weitzeil, Mandie Worton, Franny Spangler, Mrs. Herzog

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome -  Mandie Worton 

2. Minutes Approval - Mandie Worton

Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed. Sarah motioned to approve, seconded by Franny. Approved unanimously.

3. Internet Safety Training - Alan Rhees/Monica Widdison

Web filtering - filters all sites through iBoss. Protects student and family information from being stolen. 

- Bark filters content and notifies principal of drug/alcohol, cyberbullying, weapons, violence, sexual content, etc.

- CIPA lessons are taught using Common Sense Media, which reviews various technology based products (video games, sites, etc.) and teaches internet safety.

4. Rules of Order Review - Mandie Worton

- First paragraph thought to be removed. Mr. Adams had it so that it could be seen that it was adopted from the district. Decided to leave it.

- Rules of Order (as posted on school website) read and reviewed.

- Franny motioned to approve, Sarah seconded. Approved.

5. Review of 2021-2022 Plan Data - Mr. Adams 

- Plan data (as posted on school land trust website) reviewed.

- ELA goal met

- Math goal not met

- K-2 goal met in Kindergarten, not 1st or 2nd

- Panorama goal not met; written as a goal to be able to use land trust to fund the $1,000.

- Looking at using a growth goal for RISE.

- Panorama SEL goal probably should not be a specific goal on its own; could be included as an action step for another 

6. Plan Next Agenda - Mr. Adams

- January meeting will include recommending goals and Mr. Adams will take those to the school leadership team

- February meeting will include action steps

- March will approve the final plan

- Mr. Adams will have expenditures from last year’s plan, if available.

7. Miscellaneous - Council Members 

Mandy motioned to adjourn, Mr. Adams seconded. Approved unanimously.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 in Conference Room